The topic of sustainability is playing an increasingly important role for companies these days to be viable for the future, as is transparent communication about the subject.
We at PETROFER attach great importance to sustainability in our actions as a company.
Eco Vadis is one of the world’s largest and most reliable providers of corporate sustainability rankings.
EcoVadis monitors the sustainability of global supply chains, and focuses on four essential criteria: Environment, Labour and Human Rights, Ethics and Sustainable Procurement.
By providing comprehensive feedback, benchmarks and tools, EcoVadis helps companies to continuously improve themselves.
Through our membership with EcoVadis, we have been given the opportunity to have our status and progress in our sustainable actions assessed and shared with business partners (customers as well as suppliers) within the EcoVadis network and elsewhere.
We have taken advantage of this opportunity and have already been evaluated with a very positive result in the first assessment round.
PETROFER was awarded a silver medal in recognition of its efforts to reduce their ecological footprint and achieved a particularly good performance in the area of environment.
PETROFER will continue to improve in terms of sustainability and have its progress assessed by EcoVadis.